Razer and Method Guild Party Up

Razer and Method Guild Party Up

California. USA – 15 November, 2011 – Razer™, one of the world’s pioneering supporters of e-Sports, and Method Guild, a World of Warcraft Guild currently ranked 2nd in the world, party up to take PVE raiding to another level.

Founded in 2005, Method Guild’s accomplishments range from being their server’s top guild, to making multiple world-first boss kills – an impossible feat were it not for their outstanding team atmosphere and strong leadership.

“I have been playing World of Warcraft since the release,” says guild member Roger Brown. “During this time I used many different gaming peripherals, without caring about how they affected my game play. Retrospectively this was a big mistake. When I switched to Razer, everything changed. I can attest that Razer’s equipment is: ‘For Gamers. By Gamers.’ “

“I am happy to be able to announce the partnership of Method and Razer,” says Scott Mcmillan, Guild Master of Method. “With the support of Razer, Method will be well equipped for the challenges that lie ahead as we continue our journey to be rank #1 in the World of Warcraft PvE scene, whilst continually striving to build a healthy, close-knit community.”

“Method Guild is an extremely cohesive group of like-minded individuals, and their good relationships with each other pay off when it comes to deciding which strategies to implement during the heat of battle.” says Robert “RazerGuy” Krakoff, President of Razer USA. “It’s also fantastic that they look beyond their guild and interact with the larger community of WoW players through their online videos and guides. They have stayed humble despite their success and their efforts have helped to build a thriving community that supports aspiring players to follow in their footsteps.”

About Method:

Method Guild is a pioneer World of Warcraft raiding guild that is led by the same leadership since its formation in 2005. Method has obtained several top world rank kills and finishes, making them one of the best known guilds in the World of Warcraft PvE community.

Method is an international guild consisting of players from all across Europe. Many great friendships have been formed among the guild members and the positive atmosphere even led to a successful real-life guild meeting in Budapest. Method is always keen to participate in World of Warcraft community related activities – which range from interviews to documentaries and attendance at offline events.

For more information:


About Razer:

Razer has been a pioneering supporter of e-Sports since its conception. It is in our blood and we are driven to further the culture of professional gaming in all that we do. We work hand in hand with our pros to forge weaponry for the players who stake their livelihood on podium placements. Our gear is designed to perform flawlessly in high-stress tournament conditions where winning is everything and mistakes cost championships. Those who compete with our equipment will attest – We live by our words: For Gamers. By Gamers.

For more information, please visit www.razerzone.com.

Press contacts:

Christopher “Razer|Right” Mitchell

Razer e-Sports Manager
[email protected]

Method Guild
Scott Mcmillan “Sco”
Method Guild Master
[email protected]

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