World Cyber Games Champions Team Counter Logic Gaming tie the knot with Razer

strong>World Cyber Games Champions
Team Counter Logic Gaming tie the knot with Razer

br />California. USA – 5th July, 2011 – Razer™, the world’s leading high-end precision gaming brand, and Counter Logic Gaming, the WCG 2010 League of Legends champions, have teamed up to take the League of Legends scene by storm.

Counter Logic Gaming, who have dominated the North American scene in recent times, are now faced with new enemies, both at home and abroad. As the game’s popularity continues to increase exponentially, Razer will now be offering CLG their full support to vanquish their challengers, strengthen their grip on the North American scene and cement their position in the e-Sports world.

With League of Legends still being such a fledgling scene, Razer continues to show their constant support for e-Sports as a whole, helping small organizations such as CLG to grow and investing in something we know they really care and are passionate about,” said CLG’s George “HotShotGG” Georgallidis, whose League of Legends stream attracts over 8,000 concurrent viewers every day.

With a great mentality, outstanding individual skill and a team full of character, Counter Logic Gaming is exactly the kind of team Razer are interested in supporting,” said Robert “RazerGuy” Krakoff, President, Razer USA. “CLG not only excel in their field but also make it their priority to give back to the community they are a part of which makes us extremely proud to be able to offer them our full support.”

Counter Logic Gaming which started out as a simply a bunch of guys who loved the game, have slowly become one of the leaders in their field through their meticulous play style that forces their rivals to pay the ultimate price for individual mistakes. As League of Legends continues to expand Razer will be supporting CLG every step of the way on their road to global recognition.

I believe League of Legends has immense untapped potential in the e-Sports world. The player base numbers in the millions worldwide and it is, as far as I can see, still growing in popularity,” said “Ryan 'The Bro' Rana, the CLG Operations Manager. “With more and more online leagues and LAN tournaments starting to happen, support from a leading sponsor such as Razer is not only necessary but crucial.  League of Legends is becoming a real contender in the organized e-Sports world and now we are fortunate enough to have the full support of Razer, CLG will be leading the charge.”

strong>About Counter Logic Gaming:
Counter Logic Gaming hosts North America's top League of Legends competitive team and one of the largest League of Legends gaming communities. Founded in 2010 by a small gathering of like minded players, it has grown to become the leading name in all things competitive for League of Legends.

strong>About Razer:
Razer has been a pioneering supporter of e-Sports since its conception. It is in our blood and we are driven to further the culture of professional gaming in all that we do. We work hand in hand with our pros to forge weaponry for the players who stake their livelihood on podium placements. Our gear is designed to perform flawlessly in high-stress tournament conditions where winning is everything and mistakes cost championships. Those who compete with our equipment will attest – We live by our words: For Gamers. By Gamers.

For more information, please visit

strong>Press contacts:
Christopher “Razer|Right” Mitchell
Razer e-Sports Manager
[email protected]

Counter Logic Gaming
Ryan “The Bro” Rana
CLG Operations Manager
[email protected]


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